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Sorting Star Wars Characters Into Harry Potter Houses

Writer's picture: SuperPrincessLaylaSuperPrincessLayla

Updated: Feb 19

An epic crossover.

Palpatine has to be a Slytherin, not, of course, because he's evil, but because his long, complex plot to take over the galaxy definitely seems ambitious and cunning to me. And he does use any means to achieve those ends!

Yoda, Mace Windu, and most of the other Old Republic Jedi would probably be Gryffindors, brave warriors that they are. They would probably see Gryffindor as the ideal House and be slightly disapproving if any Jedi didn't end up there. Also I really think Yoda should share a House with Dumbledore.

But Qui-Gon Jinn seems more of a Ravenclaw. More open-minded than most Jedi of his time and following the Jedi Code his own way, it seems to suit him better. And he clashed sometimes with the other Jedi, which fits with his being in a different House from where they usually go.

And his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, could easily have been a Ravenclaw along with his Master. His dry wit, his investigation skills in Attack of the Clones, and his ability to sense trouble not directly related to their mission in The Phantom Menace would make him a good fit – not to mention his involvement with probably the most unconventional line of Jedi ever!

I think Padmé Amidala would not only be perfectly suited to Hufflepuff, she would also consider it the ideal House and stand up to anyone who called her and her fellows “a load of duffers”. Strong, committed to her people and her cause, devoted to serving them as a Queen or a Senator... Padmé would be proud to be in the House of honesty and loyalty.

Anakin Skywalker initially wanted to be a Jedi to gain power, at first for altruistic reasons like to free the slaves, and had great ambitions like travelling the whole galaxy. He wanted to be recognized as the most powerful Jedi ever, and was willing to do anything to get that recognition, and to protect the people in his own circle, including turn to the Dark Side... I think you probably see where I'm going with this. Anakin sounds like a pretty good candidate for Slytherin to me. And that would definitely fit in with how the rest of the Jedi, most of whom are Gryffindors, didn't trust him!

Princess Leia is a pretty strong candidate for Gryffindor. She's brave enough to stand up and rebel on behalf of the whole galaxy when she sees injustice, and even gets involved personally with the most dangerous aspects. I definitely get the bold-warrior-lion vibe from her.

Luke Skywalker is a slightly different case. Luke wanted to be just like his father, and that was his biggest driving force when we first meet him. I think it very likely he would have asked the Sorting Hat to put him in whichever House his father had been in. And of course, the Sorting Hat always takes your choice into account – especially as Luke, who would be eleven years old at the time, would not be fully developed yet and would be choosing what sort of person he wants to become. So the Hat would say, “Well, if you're sure... better be SLYTHERIN!”

Han Solo is the one I had the most trouble with. He undergoes some motivation changes in the movies, but what we really have to consider is what sort of person he was likely to be at eleven years old, since that's when he would have been Sorted. We don't know what Han was like at eleven, of course, so the best thing to do is to judge by his personality when he's first introduced in A New Hope, since that's the youngest he appears in the saga. Now, right from the start, I think we can pretty much narrow Han down to either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin – I feel like those are the only two Houses he would even be interested in – and at the very beginning, he seems almost more the Slytherin type. More interested in saving his own skin than in getting involved in big causes – which according to Phineas Nigellus Black is a Slytherin trait – and with a great deal of tricks up his sleeve he was willing to use to achieve his ends. So, Han in Slytherin – I can certainly see it!

Of course, there are many, many other characters to be Sorted from our favourite galaxy far, far away. I was mostly sticking here to the mainest of the main, and also mostly to the humans, since everyone at Hogwarts was human (of course it would be different if Hogwarts was part of the Star Wars world). Where do you think any of the other characters would have been Sorted? Tell me below!


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